
SAS's acclaimed  REC Level One program, custom tailored to young adults age 12-17 years old. Come learn, laugh and shred with us here in Silverton. Annually sponsored by Silverton Avalanche School and the Know the Snow Fund, this course offers youth participants a lower student to instructor ratio, is facilitated by our inspiring professional staff and includes SWAG and a movie night! Scholarship awardees, please enter your enrollment code when checking out.

Cancellation & Transfer Policy

SAS requires a full credit card or cash/check payment to hold your reservation. Cancellations within 1 week of the course start date will not be refunded and cannot be transferred. If you would like to transfer course dates 1 to 3 weeks prior to your original course start date, there will be a $100 transfer fee and no refund for cancellation. A date transfer more than 3 weeks before your original course start date can be done at no extra cost. Cancellations more than 3 weeks before your original course start date may receive a 50% refund. Unfortunately, we cannot give refunds, rain checks or cancellations if passes are closed. Please communicate with our office for extenuating circumstances.